Friday, 17 May 2013

Ssssh!  We are sleeping.

Not really, but you might be forgiven for thinking that we were ever-so-sleepy as it has been so quiet around here lately.

The reason is that we now have an on-site blog and so it is difficult to know what to do with our original blog.  We don't want to close it as we think there is some quite good stuff on here (we hope you agree).

Anyway.... we have decided what to do!  If you saw the last posts you will see that we did much more in the way of images and much less in the way of words! - So that is what we will be doing with this blog from now on.... a sort of gallery of new designs and products and of course if you want further information you can always visit the site or even read the on site blog at

We will be back soon with some new product images.