Wednesday, 26 February 2014

The Ever-so-Sexy web site is on line again. Happily no orders were affected by the problem and business continued as usual. Why not check out the site soon - you will find lots of new styles.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

DDOS Attack

Ever-so-Sexy web site is currently down due to a DDOS attack.

We don't know why the site has been attacked - we are not aware of any enemies and we are surely not a target for some political group who should have better things to do than concern themselves with a luxury lingerie site. If it is instigated by a competitor then that is truly sad!. We know lingerie is a competitive market but if anyone has had to resort to these dirty tactics to take us offline then that says more about their weakness than anything else and they should start looking over their shoulder because a DDOS attack is a criminal offence.

Business continues as usual behind the scenes. We are still processing and shipping orders and this break in web traffic will give us a little time to do a little spring cleaning.

We will post an update as soon as we have one. In the meantime just think about this.  If someone wanted to bring our site offline then we must be offering something really special. Visit when it is back online to see what you have been missing.